
WG Lang Tech – Cutting-Edge Language Technology Platform

Amplified by Technology, Driven by Language & Cultural Experts

Advanced Translation and Localization Features

Comprehensive Translation Memory Systems

WG Lang Tech's technology platform includes a sophisticated translation memory, terminology management, and term bases to enhance the quality of translations. Our certified translators use these features to develop bilingual glossaries and perform language quality assessments (LQA) before finalizing their translations.

Integration of AI and Machine Learning

The platform leverages artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning (natural language processing) to continuously improve its functionality and feature set, ensuring high accuracy and efficiency in translation processes.

User-Centric Design for Optimal Functionality

Customizable and User-Friendly Interface

WG Lang Tech is highly customizable with a user-friendly interface that allows easy access to online terminology databases, aiding translators in managing translation memories more effectively.

Enhanced Project Management and Quality Assurance

It provides a complete translation environment that includes tools for translation memory, terminology management, quality assurance, and project management. This ensures that the localization process is not only automated and streamlined but also maintains the integrity of the original document's structure.

Support for Multiple Document Formats

Extensive File Format Compatibility

WG Lang Tech supports a variety of file formats without the need for conversion, including PowerPoint, Word, PDF, and more. The platform also supports additional project management features and file formats such as Java, InDesign, Frame Maker, and editable PDFs.

Key Features for Enhanced Translation Efficiency

Translation Memory Tools: A database of text segments in various languages for enhanced translation speed and consistency.

Linguistic Tools: Spell checkers, grammar checkers, and electronic dictionaries to ensure linguistic accuracy.

Search and Indexing Tools: Full-text search tools and concordancers for efficient searching within translated texts or reference documents.

Project Management: Workflow management tools to monitor progress and ensure quality across translation projects.

Underlying Technology for Advanced Translation Support

Augmented Translation Technology

The platform aids language experts by integrating adaptive translation tools, translation memory, terminology lookup, and automatic content enrichment, automating ancillary tasks to increase productivity.

Sophisticated Language Search-Engine

Similar to internet search engines, WG Lang Tech's language search-engine accesses an extensive repository of Translation Memories to match sentence fragments and phrases with source document segments, enhancing the translation process.