
Lang Tech Language AI

Our sophisticated secure and scalable AI capabilities including MT and LLM aggregation, selection, and quality assessment.

Revolutionizing Machine Translation

Language AI revolutionizes machine translation by automatically selecting the best translation engine for each scenario, providing unmatched quality and reduced translation costs. It also creates compelling new use cases across your organization.


Key Features

Machine Translation Autoselect

Automatically choose the best-performing engine for each translation with our cutting-edge AI technology. It assesses the context, language pair, and content type to select the ideal translation engine from over 30 leading providers, including Amazon, DeepL, Google Translate, and Microsoft Translator. We handle everything: quality testing, legal and security evaluation, and payment to the translation engine.

Actionable Quality Scores

Lang Tech Language AI ensures your machine translation output is easy to evaluate, providing clarity on post-editing requirements. Each MT segment is assigned a score based on historical performance data, displayed to linguists and project managers to streamline the post-editing process and reduce human input without compromising quality.

Lang Tech Portal

The Lang Tech Portal provides secure and easy access to our advanced localization technology. With the Lang Tech Portal, your team can instantly translate important documents, reports, and messages.


Consistent Translations with Glossaries

Glossaries provide machine translation engines with your preferred terminology, enabling more consistent and brand-owned translations. Manage glossaries for all your engines in one place. When you train your AI, you own your data.

API Access

Our API access opens up Language AI to all, accommodating any localization use case. Ensure high-quality, enterprise-approved machine translation for your entire business.


Lang Tech Custom AI

Lang Tech Custom AI provides a brand-first, consistent, and compliant approach to AI translation. It integrates with Language AI to train a domain-specific custom model, elevating translation quality.

Lang Tech NextMT Translation Engine

Lang Tech NextMT leverages your translation memory fuzzy matches, increasing translation quality by up to 50%. It harnesses your translation memories and glossaries to achieve the best possible quality translation.


Leading Machine Translation Technology

Quality Analysis and Assurance

Lang Tech Quality Performance Score

Unlock the power of translation quality analysis. With Lang Tech QPS, AI evaluates and grades every translation from 0 to 100, enabling automated translation workflows to scale your localization efforts.

Language Quality Assessment (LQA)

Get visibility on translation quality with LQA. It can be configured according to predefined error categories to help linguists review any translation workflow, based on human or machine translation.

Auto LQA

Automate your LQA process fully with generative AI, providing insights at a fraction of the cost and speeding up your content review process.

Quality Assurance

Automatically detect errors in translations with built-in QA functionality, including term base checks, spelling, and content tags, reducing error rates and achieving higher consistency.


Leading Machine Translation Technology

Lang Tech Language AI supports multiple languages through leading providers, including Lang Tech NextMT, Amazon, Google, DeepL, Microsoft, Rozetta, and Tencent, covering 800+ language pairs for smoother communications and broader outreach.

Secure and Scalable Localization

Every employee can access secure, user-friendly, and company-approved machine translation capabilities, ensuring data protection and the best available engine for real-time translation, enhanced by MT engine customization with Lang Tech Custom AI.

Quality Insights for Workflows

Ensure your translations are ready with AI-powered Quality Performance Scores (QPS). Document-level scores are provided immediately after translations, giving insights to adjust workflows and correctly route content.
