
White Globe provides fast and professional Korean translation services for documents, software, websites, marketing collateral, and videos with certified quality. We help our clients stay ahead of the competition in Korea, one accurately translated project at a time.

Accurate Korean Translations You Can Trust

Is your company doing business with Korea and looking for a professional Korean translation service with quality and speed? Then look no further than White Globe. We have a large team of professional native Korean translators and subject matter experts experienced at translating a variety of business content with accuracy, including technical documents, marketing collateral, eLearning courses, and websites.

We provide linguistically fluently, technically accurate, and culturally competent Korean translation services for engineering, medical, financial, legal, and manufacturing fields that are backed by our quintuple ISO certified quality standards.

Consistent, quality Korean translations increasingly require modern language technologies that leverage the power of translation memory, terminology management, as well as in-context linguistic review in real-time. This is where White Globe excels.

White Globe’s intelligent translation management ecosystem redefines professional Korean translation services to be more agile, always-on, and just-in-time, while achieving the highest level of linguistic accuracy and scalability.

We’re leading the language industry with modern digital, future proof translation technologies that meet enterprise localization requirements now and in the future. In fact, we’re so confident you’ll be impressed with our Korean translation solutions, we offer our clients 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Simply upload your documents to receive an instant translation quote and be amazed by our exceptional service.

Grow Business Opportunities in South Korea with the Best Korean Translations

As a rapidly growing major economy both in Asia and the world, South Korea is home to a large number of global conglomerates such as Samsung, LG Electronics, Hyundai Motor, and Daewoo, to name just few. However, for foreign companies to succeed in the Korean market, quality customer communications in Korean is a must.

This is why you need White Globe, the leader in professional Korean translation services for technology, medical, manufacturing, financial, and legal industries. You’ve invested heavily in product development so don’t let poor language translations stop your business success in Korea. We translate all kinds of digital content online and on-demand so our clients can get ahead faster in the Korean market.

Biggest Korean Translator

White Globe has thousands of professional, native Korean translators who are specially trained in a variety of subject matter fields such as software, engineering, electronics, automotive, medical, and more.

We’re one of the first translation company to employ a modern App-based translation resource management system to perfectly match our clients’ highly technical translation requirements with the most qualified Korean translators for the best results. We also train our Korean linguists to use modern translation technology tools for the best localization efficiency and scalability.

All of White Globe translators are proficient at using our online terminology glossary tool to most accurately translate our clients’ product terminology for technical precision and linguistic consistency.

Our Korean translators are professionally trained to employ White Globe’s platform-based translation workbench for real-time translation memory leverage and dynamic content validation between the source and target languages.
As a result, we can translate better and faster at lower costs, allowing our customers to achieve the best ROI for their language translation spend.

The Fastest Korean Translations on the Market

Need Korean translations for urgent business requirements? No problem. White Globe provides rapid translation turnaround with our industry leading on-demand translation solutions.

We’re able to do this by taking advantage of our patented mobile translation solutions that instantly notify our Korean linguists of new translation requests anytime and anywhere and then allow them to immediately begin translating on their mobile devices as well as desktop computers. No other translation companies come even close to what White Globe can do in terms of super-fast Korean translation services.

Unrivalled Scalability for Large Projects

White Globe uses the shared translation model to the language industry. On average, each our professional translators can translate between 2,000-3,500 words a day. For very large projects with tight deadlines, White Globe intelligent language provisioning system will dynamically split the projects into smaller units so multiple translators can work together concurrently.

White Globe uses platform-based terminology management and real-time translation leverage to safeguard linguistic consistency. We have the ability to translate hundreds and thousands of words in as little as a couple days.

Korean Legal Translation Services

To ensure your business success in the Korean market, you must understand Korean regulations and laws. Doing so requires professional legal translation services to help interpret your legal documents between English and Korean so you can always make the best business decisions in Korea.

Don’t make the same mistake as a major Swiss pharmaceutical company did by misinterpreting the Korean antitrust regulations and ending up getting fined $48 million dollars.

White Globe provides expert legal translation services from English to Korean and vice versa for life sciences, financial, and technology industries. We also provide certified translations for patents into Korean.

Korean Desktop Publishing

In addition to exceptional language translation services between English and Korean and many other languages, White Globe also provides global enterprises with expert desktop publishing or DTP services so our localized documents are professionally formatted for the most polished presentations.

White Globe supports a variety of document formats such as MS Word, Adobe InDesign, PowerPoint, PDF, XML, and HTML. Our experienced DTP specialists are trained working with Korean fonts and typesetting for the best design and document layout.

We Support All New Economy Translation Models

White Globe is a next-gen translation company. In addition to translating technical documents, software, websites, and marketing materials we support all modern digital translation requirements in Korean such as user generated content, social media, eLearning, and video localization.
Technical Documents
Software Localization
Website Translations
eLearning Localization
Social Media Marketing
Video Games Translation
User Generated Content
Continuous Translation
Post-editing Machine Translation
Mobile based Translation

Korean Document Translation Services

White Globe translate all types of business documents from English into Korean and vice versa. Specifically, we translate technical, legal, medical, marketing, digital, financial, and certified documents for both business and government sectors.

Powered by our large network of professional translators and cutting-edge technologies, White Globe provides the best document translation solutions that our customers demand to achieve business success in Korea and globally.

5-Star Customer Service

For each White Globe enterprise customer, we create a dedicated client services team consisting of a client success manager (CSM) supported by a number of project managers depending on the client’s translation volume.

We also assign pre-approved linguists with the same industry or subject domain focus to the client’s myteam. These dedicated translators work on the customer’s projects on a regular basis for the most efficient project knowledge sharing and best translation consistency.