
White Globe helps companies engage their customers in Italy with the best Italian translation services. Our industry-leading language translation solutions deliver the highest ROI so our clients can get ahead faster internationally.

Professional Italian Translations You Can Trust

White Globe provides quintuple ISO certified Italian translation services for global brands in travel, manufacturing, fashion, chemicals, medical, and financial industries. We’re able to translate with quality and speed using our modern and agile online translation management solutions.

The digital economy has fundamentally changed customer expectations with regards to translation turnaround time. Quality Italian translation is now defined in terms of both linguistic accuracy and speed.

Delayed time-to-market due to slow translation services causes just as much business damage as poorly localized products, or worse, lost market share that takes years to recover. The good news is modern translation technology systems can assist our professional Italian linguists to translate more efficiently without sacrificing linguistic quality.

White Globe’s translation innovations put all types of text processing commands in our Italian linguists’ hands for the most efficient translating operations. Our cloud-based Italian content indexing system (using similar computer algorithms as Google searches) automatically performs translation memory (TM) leverage.

At the same time, White Globe intelligent online workbench assists our linguists with a variety of linguistic tasks in real time such as terminology look up, keyboard short cuts for instant concurrent search, and live translation tag verifications. On average, our Italian translators can translate 20%-40% more efficiently compared to linguists working with old fashioned processes.

Online Italian Translations

Modern language translation requirements are agile and on-demand. More and more of the enterprise translation needs are small projects (consisting of 500 words or less) that must be turned around quickly. Old fashioned, offline translation processes are too slow with their rigid workflows to meet the modern iterative development methodology.

This is why you need White Globe, the leader in next generation online Italian translation services that are fast and flexible, while delivering the highest linguistic quality. With White Globe, no Italian translation project is too small. Better yet, we don’t charge minimum fees because we’ve automated many of the unnecessary human touch-points within legacy translation models.

Italian Post-Editing Machine Translation

Computer AI is revolutionizing all kinds of professional services for drastically improved quality and efficiency. Language translation is not an exception. Specifically, natural language processing and neural machine translations are playing increasingly important roles in professional translation and localization services for improved productivity and scale.

White Globe provides expert Italian PEMT solutions for our enterprise customers looking for more efficient document translation solutions in Italian. Our cloud translation management system first applies MT to pre-translate sentences into Italian in a fully automated process.
Next, our professional Italian linguists proofread and edit the machine translated sentences for the highest level of linguistic quality. With PEMT, we’re able to turn around quality Italian translations faster at reduced costs.

In-Country Native Translators

When it comes high quality Italian language translations, nobody translates better than native linguists who live and speak the language in their everyday lives. White Globe location-based translation solutions uses modern geo information to provide our customers with the best Italian linguists the language industry had not seen until now.

Whether you need a native translator from Rome, Florence, or Milan, White Globe has the right linguists in all major cities of Italy to serve your language translation needs. Additionally, we train our professional Italian translators to use the latest CAT (computer-aided translations) tools for the best translating efficiency.

5-Star Italian Translation Service, Literally!

White Globe offers our clients a highly transparent language translation process for improved linguistic results on a continuous basis. Better still, our clients can directly talk to their assigned linguists with translation queries for significantly better project efficiency.

Most importantly, White Globe clients have the ability to rate our Italian translators’ performance for each project. No other translation company comes close to White Globe for advancing translation services in a modern rating-based economy. For those Italian translators you consistently rate 5 stars, they automatically become dedicated linguists to work on your all your future translation requirements.

Italian Medical Translations

Do you need to translate your medical documents into Italian? Then look no further than White Globe. We provide ISO 13485 certified translations for all of your medical related content, from product labels and information for use (IFU), to regulatory submission documents and patient consent forms.

Simply upload your document to our online portal to obtain an instant quote. Upon your approval, our Italian translators begin to work on your translations immediately for the fastest turnaround times.

Italian Financial Services Translations

White Globe provides faster and better-quality financial document translations in Italian than any other translation agency on the market. This is because we not only employ the most qualified language subject matter experts in Italian for banking, corporate accounting, insurance, and investment translations, we also have modern Fintech solutions, or the most advanced translation system that combines AI, the cloud, mobile, and our many years of localization experiences in the industry.

Italian Legal Translations

Looking for a professional legal translation company to help translate your international business contracts, patent applications, litigation documents, and corporate law materials? Then you’ve found the perfect partner for the most accurate Italian legal translations.

White Globe has developed mature translation processes and technological solutions to support our legal translators so we can provide simpler, faster, and better legal language services.

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

White Globe guarantees the most exact legal translations in Italian. However, we also understand language translations contain some subjective elements and personal preferences that may affect the objective evaluation of linguistic quality.

This is we’ve implemented J2450 quality assurance processes to quantify linguistic quality results. White Globe provides our customers with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.